Any freight forwarder you entrust your cargo with, promises to get it to its destination safe and secure. But promises are not guaranteed. They may not be kept due to human error or natural disasters, which are often beyond human control. Unlike guarantees that are spelled out in the insurance voucher and cover all possible risks.
ASR Service Moving Logistics provides cargo insurance service. We want to be helpful and necessary for you and we will do our best to meet your wishes. You can arrange it in any office of the company. Our offices are located in cities such as: Netanya, Herzliya, Holon, Hadera, Rishon LeZion and Caesarea. In order to use cargo insurance service, you can apply to any office closest to you.

The sphere of cargo security is studied far and wide. There’s no point in inventing new guarantees. All of them have long been prescribed in international regulations. We have only developed our own transportation rules based on them, which guarantee reliability and high quality logistics, and we have been successfully implementing them for almost three decades.
Risks at the packaging stage
Unfortunately, suppliers do not always comply with international packaging standards. A shipment that has to travel a long route may not be packed according to the rules. And low-quality packaging greatly reduces the chances of a shipment reaching its destination in perfect condition. Sometimes the safety of the cargo is affected by loss of airtightness. Dust inside the package is detrimental to such extra-sensitive goods as microchips, designer jewelry, or electronics.
Risks at the loading and unloading stage
It doesn’t matter how your product is loaded and unloaded as it moves from its starting point to its destination. Both manual unloading and automated forklifts are risks. Even perfect packaging can fail at such times. Not to mention packaging that is not up to code.

Force majeure
Fire, tornado, theft, traffic accidents are just the beginning of a long list of factors that even the most reputable carrier cannot influence. The chances of a hurricane or flood depriving you of your cargo are tiny. But if you have the ability to insure against such things, why not take advantage of it?
Cargo insurance is the one and only way to protect your business from financial losses during transportation.